Quantcast IMOW - Celtic Raag
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Celtic Raagالمعرضحوار
Pireeni Sundaralingam
Colm O’Riain
 المركز الإعلامي
"Our mother tongue grants each of us the gift of perceiving the world in a unique way: it helps us to articulate our passions and our politics. Little wonder that so many governments have sought to crush ethnic groups by erasing their languages. Gaelic was outlawed by the British ruling classes in nineteenth century Ireland while in 1956, in Sri Lanka, the "Sinhala only" rule ostracized all those in the populace who spoke the ancient Dravidian language of Tamil.

When Colm and I married, we found, like many immigrant couples before us, that we could only speak to each other in a third language. And yet, as we explored each other’s music and literature we found that there was much that resonated. Both Indian and Irish music emphasize melody over harmony, and also share common scales and the use of drones. We wrote 'Celtic Raag', in part to express the common threads that exist in our respective histories, in part to express the potential that can be found when we bind our cultures together."
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Linda Kazibwe (أوغندة)
How beautiful to share in your lives and your histories through this composition. There is power in language...which the two of you have united so seamlessly and sincerely in this piece...Question...will you share your languages with your children?
Je pense que... (فرنسا)
Maintenant nous vivons dans un monde des frontières de flou. C'est important de ne oublier pas nos origins. Comment pouvons-nous préserver notre culture dans une meilleure manière?
Kealoha (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية)
language is always one of the first assets of a culture to be pillaged and forbidden by colonizers. Driven to retreat deep within our spirit and hearts, our beloved languages use the doorways of music, story and poetry too reach beyond the walls built between us by those who seek to silence our voices.
angela sabrina (كندا)
a beautiful piece of music! what better medium for expressing the spirit embodied in language? i am an English speaker, but having taught English abroad for many years i have enjoyed the process of cultural sharing with students,friends,lovers: learning their languages, their striving to express concepts embedded in their mother tongue, and the way that learning has shaped my own mother tongue
Amy C (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية)
This is extremely interesting. Regardless of the cultures from which people come, there is the experience of being an immigrant which can be a starting point for a deep connection. I also find it compelling to think that, although we now have more choice about where to live than ever before in history, some of the places most dear to us can still remain off-limits because of prejudice and violence
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Julie Delpy
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Damali Ayo
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حقوق الطبع محفوظة للمتحف العالمي للنساء 2008 / سياسة السرية وإخلاء المسئولية / ترجمة:101translations / تغيير اللغة
المضمون في هذا العرض ليس بالضروره يمثل آراء المتحف العالمى للمرأه ، أو شركائه او مسثتمريه؟؟