Quantcast IMOW - Displacements
العلاقات في أزمنة متغيرة. طالعي القصص القصص>>

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تخيلي الثلاثين عاماً القادمة. طالعي القصص القصص>>

نشاطات بارزة
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الحرب والحوار
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جيلنا: شباب يتحدثون بصراحة. طالعي القصص القصص>>

نساء يتحدثن بصراحة عن الحمل والأمومة والاختيار. طالعي القصص القصص>>

الصورة والهوية
ليست المظاهر هي كل شيء، أم أنها كذلك؟ طالعي القصص القصص>>

مهرجان أفلام على الإنترنت
31 فيلماً من مخرجات حول العالم. طالعي القصص القصص>>

جيل متميز
من هن النساء الشابات اليوم؟ طالعي القصص القصص>>

أفضل ما في السباق
لقد أتيتن ورأيتن وقدمتن ترشيحاً. ها هم الفائزات. طالعي القصص القصص>>
ما الذي يحدد جيلكن من النساء؟
الموضوع المختار

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انضمي الآن  |  تسجيل الدخول تغيير اللغة»    أرسل دعوة إلى صديق »
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Women, Peace, and Security
ساعدنوا في حماية حقوق الإنسان الخاصة بالنساء
انضمومنا إلى الجهود المبذولة للقضاء على التمييز الاقتصادي!
يُقدر عدد المهاجرين دون تصريح رسمي حوالي 2.5 إلى 4 مليون شخص في كل عام، طبقًا لمنظمة الهجرة الدولية.
طبقًا لمنظمة الهجرة الدولية، تمثل النساء الآن نصف المهاجرين على مستوى العالم، وتصل نسبتهن في بعض الدول إلى 70 أو 80 بالمائة.

Marie Ange Bordas
ملاحظۃ المحررة
Why and how are women today crossing borders? According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, the principal reasons are work, study, asylum-seeking, family reunification and recently travel and pleasure. Asylum-seeking is high up on the list: Almost 35 million people worldwide live as refugees and internally displaced persons. Some young women like Marie Ange Bordes are leaving the comfort of their own homes to unveil the terrible realities of other border-crossers.
This project is about displacement and home... About trying to find a safe place, moving endlessly towards belonging, crossing visible and invisible borders.

It is usually assumed that a sense of place or belonging gives a person stability. But what makes a place home? How to define an identity when on the move? How visible are the scars left by fleeing?

Over the past ten years I've lived in three continents, adopted different languages and had dozens of addresses, the only permanent ones being virtual ones. "Being a foreigner but not always feeling like one" has become my modus vivendi.

"Displacements" was born from my perception of how much my privileged mobility had affected my ways of being and acting in this world and from my desire to share my experience with people that, differently from me, were forced to abandon their homelands. How does displacement shape our relation with space and others? How does one not lose oneself in this search for a safe place? How visible are the scars left from fleeing?

Moved by the belief that art can be a tool for communication, I have developed "Displacements" as a collaborative project focused on the experience of refugees living in different situations. Between 2001 and 2004 I shared my every day with refugees living in Johannesburg (South Africa), in a Refugee Shelter in Massy (France) and at Kakuma Refugee Camp (Kenya).

As an interactive observer I hope to be a link between the people I'm working with and others that don't know them. By transposing refugees' voices into the artistic realm I try to reintegrate them in a social web from which they are usually isolated. By telling their experience of displacement and by enumerating their hopes and losses, sometimes in a voice deprived of any emotion, these voices try to echo in the sensitivity of each of their listeners. It is in this exchange of sensitivities that I believe; in the creation of a space where personal stories lead to a better understanding of a social issue, without distance and without stereotypes, fraternally.

Learn more about the project on: http://www.displacements.info and http://www.percursos.org

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حقوق الطبع محفوظة للمتحف العالمي للنساء 2008 / سياسة السرية وإخلاء المسئولية / ترجمة:101translations / تغيير اللغة
المضمون في هذا العرض ليس بالضروره يمثل آراء المتحف العالمى للمرأه ، أو شركائه او مسثتمريه؟؟