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Entre los gritos de batalla de las bombas ensordecedoras, los ataques mortales y los informes sobre muerte y destrucción, se suele escuchar que alguien dice “se lo tienen merecido”.

Al presenciar un conflicto, ¿cuáles son las imágenes del enemigo que nos permiten considerarlo menos humano? Si nos juntáramos a tomar el té con esta gente, ¿en qué se diferenciarían de la imagen que la TV nos presenta de ellos?

El trabajo de Zena El Khalil muestra la diferencia entre cómo ven a Nasrallah en el exterior y cómo lo ven en el Líbano. El retrato de Marla Kolman de una mujer israelí en Cisjordania nos da una visión de la vida de un colono con muchos más matices de los que nos muestran los medios. Las mujeres en este subtema nos llevan más allá de los estereotipos unidimensionales, y nos muestran la complejidad de la vida en las zonas de conflicto.
Lisa Ling
Estados Unidos
As a reporter, I've covered conflicts around the world-from Algeria, to Nepal, to Afghanistan. I know how much impact the media has on our perceptions of war and 'the enemy.' I'm worried about stereotypes that the media often supports. I worry about the way Americans are perceived abroad.
I worry about the way Americans perceive the rest of the world. If we're ever going to find more sensible solutions to conflict, we absolutely need to dig down beneath these one-dimensional portraits of each other. Join us in the conversation.
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Posted on Sunday, December 10, 2006 11:59 PM
Kasmir one of the conflict zones of the world, is one of the most volatile regions of the world.last week only Muneer Ahmad Bhat was killed at Baramullah due to the Grenade Blast. Authorities claimed that he was a millitant which is not at all true. In War Truth is the first casuality. This is truw of Kashmir as well. How long will we as Kashmiris continue to die. Where would all this unabated voilence end? Is there any silver lining of these black clouds of voilence. How lo0ng would children continue to be orphans. Pakistan Presiden General Parvez Musharaf's recent ststement is worth mentioning. We are redy to give up our claim on Kashmir if India agrees to Self-Governance. If that statement by President Parvez is to be taken as recorded statement than what are separatist leaders fighting for? For what 80,000 lives were laid. So Our separatist leadership also has to do soul searching that what are we heading towards. Gone is the era when we talked of Kashmir as Bilateral issue. We have already ushered into the era where this has become a global issue. Time has come when Bureucrats ,Civil Society actorts,Armies of both the contries have to enter the dialogue and initaite a process of transformation as well as resolution so that a common Kashmiri is not made to suffer. He can feel safe while walking on the Road.. Instead of Rocket launchers, arms and ammunition we have to talk of love n peace. definitely Voices of women have to be taken into consideration which have been neglected so far.
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Mavic Cabrera-Balleza
Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:47 PM
My organization, the International Women's Tribune Centre, works in challenging the stereotyping of women in war and conflict reporting. We counter the portrayal of women as victims and helpless refugees by promoting their role as active players in peace building and conflict resolution --which they are in many cases. While it is important to report about the extent of violence and how women become victims of such, I think, we need to put more emphasis on the actions that women are taking to end violent conflicts and achieve lasting peace.

We also use the media--especially national and community-based media to pressure governments to involve women in peace processes. In October 2000, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1325 which calls on governments to ensure that women are sitting at the peace table. This means ensuring women's participation in decision-making on peace and security issues at all levels. This is an international law that all governments should enforce. It would be great if more members of the media can support us in this advocacy.

In September, we conducted a media advocacy workshop for women peacebuilders in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. In that workshop which was held in Kenya, we taught the women basic radio production, preparing press releases, using the new information and communication technologies (such as blogging and mailing lists), and popular theater. While the mainstream media is important because of its broad reach, it is also important for women in local communities to produce and distribute their own media materials.
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Laura Byerlee
Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:11 PM
I can't comment on the story above but I thought I would tell you an interesting story about stereotypes. Firstly not all conflict is hot conflict some of it is cold burning away silently and encapsulated by institutions and ideas. I came to Australia from South Africa when I was seven and it was automatically assumed that I had racist beliefs because of the country I came from. I did not nor did my parents but nobody stopped to ask that. That is what a stereotype does it hides the complexity of a person and is built on assumptions. I wasn't welcomed by Australia. I later came to understand though that their reaction came from the dis-ease in their own minds. Australia was at that time trying to hide it's own history of racism, this was something that couldn't be openly admited as their own but could be attacked in others. When I became an adult I was a student teacher for a while and had the fortune to teach about the stolen generation. I felt emotionally overwhelmed by what I learned durring that time and I also began to have hope that the nation could heal through honesty. I think its significant that in South Africa there is a truth and reconciliation commission because truth is essential. People often need to tell their stories when they have been through traumatic things and racism is traumatic. I have noticed that in Australia being white provides a sort of anomimity, if I don't talk about my background it dissapears. Others are not so lucky. I think my wish is that people treat each other as complex and individual and try to learn as much as they can without judgement.
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chelsea fredricks
Estados Unidos
Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 6:32 PM
This story is about stereotyping and the way the media influences the way people are viewed. I believe that everyone is being stereotyped by different people that look at them. Someonepowerful and all over the news and media shows people like us in the United States what they want us to here and see. We are never told the whole story and shown the entire picture.
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Jason White
Estados Unidos
Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:48 PM
Sometimes stereotypes ring true. We need to look honestly at our tendencies and capacities as men and women in order to improve ourselves.

As an example, test this assertion: the problem of violence is a problem of men's violence.

On the surface, this seems a ridiculous, stereotypical, perhaps sexist assertion. But that reaction might simply be a fear of really looking at the situation. To test, try this simple thought experiment: take away all the violence done in the world by women. Ask yourself, "Is the world still a violent place?" Your answer is probably "yes." Now take away all the violence done in the world by men. Ask again, "Is the world still a violent place?" (This comes from the excellent work of Allan G. Johnson - - a feminist who deals with issues of patriarchy, power, privilege and difference. Worth a look.)

I point this out because we men need to face this glaring truth, fearlessly, even though it might be challenging and seem stereotypical. And we need to commit ourselves to being part of the solution. In a compassionate world, we separate people into groups in order to more effectively meet their needs. While we should not buy in to the stereotype that all men are violent, we should create infrastructure, education and support systems specifically targeted to helping men resolved their tendencies toward violence.
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sesame seed
Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:28 PM
The assumption that Women are nurturers and men are not is in itself a grand stereotype. The Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher) who said: "A world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us" is not a nurturer. Golda Meir who claimed a whole nation did not exist is not a nurturer either, and neither is Madeline Albright who promoted and supported the sanctions on Iraqis for years, which resulted in the death of thousands of women and children.

Being a woman does not automatically make you a better person or more human...and being a man does not automatically make you a worse person or less human. Before you give “woman” the badge of honor - the assumption here is that being a nurturer is one - you have to look at the sum of her actions and achievements. Maybe Women just haven't had the same opportunities to show their true colors as men have...if that makes any sense :\

On the issue of Media misinterpretation, there is no "Objective" media out there and you'll be kidding yourself to think that. A reporter's interpretation of the facts on the ground is always shrouded by the information they were fed growing up, the experiences they had, in school/university/streets...etc. society as a whole, and their own personal biases (all the luggage that every human carries inside). Of course there is also room for growth, but I believe the Media is a mirror of a society, not only an isolated machine that is owned and controlled by either a fascist government or a greedy Rupert Murdoch (and I am NOT defending Murdoch or fascist governments).

The media is not completely useless despite the biasness and stereotypes. The key is to read, listen, and watch different media outlets and as many diverse reports as you can (it should be easier this day and age with the internet, satellite television...etc.) Once you've heard the different point of views, and combined all these different viewpoints, you will no doubt arrive at a conclusion that is closest to reality.

A problem though that I see a lot is that we want easy to digest sound bites. I feel a lot of people out there are becoming more and more passive, don't want to think for themselves, and feel betrayed when the information the media collected, re-interpreted, re-packaged and presented to them is not the truth. The media is not going to do that for us, we have to think for ourselves.

Sesame Seed...
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Miko Miko
Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:24 AM
You would think as a so called "Smart intelligent Race" we would be ashamed at what we have done and try to turn the past into a new future where all is not as it was, but no we still go on shocking the hell out of the decent one's who live on this planet. What the hell has the human race become I am ashamed at times being a honest hard working loving man in the 21st century "Wake world and lets live in peace as we are the ones who will bring the end of the world in a bloody big bang and if there is a higher place do you think we will be accepted there after the last breath is taken from this earth, I dont think so and I want no part of it and I am sure of those good people out there that are shocked at what a Man can do to a Woman and have no guilt after commiting a sick offence as this should have all there balls cut of and put some where were they can have the same done to them, like my mum said many tears ago, if a man was court raping a woman in Germany "Second World war" they where tied up in the village sqaure and all the women in that town would fix the Basturd imaginewhat they would have done.
This get my anger up in my heart at those who make it hard for the rest of us decent men.
Please comment.
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Glenda-Jayne McMillan
Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 10:38 AM
We rarely go beyond those typical "soundbites" of woman and war, as it doesn't sell, and it doesn't fit the political agenda. As the most intelligent species, defined by cognitive function and language abilities, how truly wasted this gift is on the intolerance and inability to accept equally our differences and similiarities. War has throughout history been openly defined by its masculine, testosterone driven stereotype, only many years later to the true stories filter through. Although at times disheartening, we must continue to educate and empower each other to speak out and break down those barriers with isolate those nations, communities, peoples, preyed upon by power and greed. Never has this been more relevant than today.
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Bruce Larson*Moore
Estados Unidos
Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 2:36 PM
In a culture of pink & blue, black & white, all dressed in the fear and separation which such borders create, the others of society are left trapped in between the red white and blue stripes and star spangled banners of that reality. Becoming a Humane*Society that values the goals and profits of peace, would seem like an appealing alternative to any*one who truly desires to see the world through rose colored glasses. When this is seen and accepted the difference will be, that there is no difference. All people/creatures are created equal and should be treated and thought of as such.

It is people like you Gin Marie, who will/are making the difference.

Truth All*Ways - leads to Peace.

Peace All*Ways - leads to Truth.

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Gin Marie
Estados Unidos
Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:39 AM
Women's participation in anything is limited by the gender-colored glasses of those viewing it and reporting it. All the mentions I've found of women in war have been of the Jessica Lynch or Lynndie England variety----or else, the mommy goes to war story. Male soldiers don't get written about as fathers first and husbands second. Their identity is what they do. Womens' identity remains what they are to other people. You're not allowed to have a self that's you unless someone else likes you like that.

Being in a war I think is less stressful for women than it is for men because women deal with so much bull from the culture all day long anyway, unless they're insulated by some of the things the culture values---beauty, docility, obediance, money, deference to men. If you don't have that insulation you get cynical real fast---and you learn how to protect yourself.

Women are basically the Other in every culture there is. Even our fellow soldiers sometimes treat us like that. There's nothing more disheartening to see a bunch of male soldiers joking around and see the conversation fall flat when you enter it, just because these guys don't know how to relate to you except as something that can get them in trouble. You're not somebody else's girl, so what are you? You're not a man, so they can't joke around with you. You're not somebody's girlfriend, wife, or mother, so what are you? You might very well be nothing to them, and there's consequences---for you, not for them----to that. Some women accept that. Even if you're being harassed, at least you're something human. The choice you have is to be human or be nothing, and it all depends on whether or not you can get somebody to take off those pink-and-blue filtered glasses.
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Bruce Larson*Moore
Estados Unidos
Posted on Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:55 PM
The subject of women being in/at and for war is one which society would much rather keep out of view, for the simple reason that much of the male justification of war is to protect their women, children and society from the wrath, destruction and horror of war. This is the insanity of thinking the insane can achieve any type of normal existence within a culture driven by violence, anxiety, greed and fearful reality.

The positive side i*see to women's roles being brought to the forefront of war, is that of seeing the truth of how their destruction and deaths may effect the reality of the profits of war, opposed to pursuing the profits of peace.

Unfortunately if killing several hundred thousand women in full view of the world media, as opposed to keeping it under wraps as in past wars, is what it takes to put some sane thinking into the political and media driven mix, then i*would be the first to say send them in, along with every star studded celebrity and daughter of the elite you can get to go. For history has shown the poor and disadvantaged that the war most generally ends when the wealthy are threatened, it is not the poor or disadvantaged who start, finance or profit from war, they simply die for the cause.

I*see no difference in the situation of the economically poor of society in 2006 as i*did in the poor of several thousand years past.

There will always be poor, yet they are not those who languish in the oppression brought forth by the wealthy, they are those who languish in the poverty of spirit, the deprivation of soul, the very ones who point the accusing finger at those deemed as poor, lack the richness of life and love to know and accept the truth that they are the poor of which I speak.

Those whom surround their heart with fear and hate for that which they see as "Other" can not support the truth which is now coming to all*ways, and thus each will pass into the oblivion their fear offers, creating the time and space for that which is to be, the evolution of peace, love, and tolerance in this dawning Age of Compassion.

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Lisa Ling
Estados Unidos
Posted on Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:21 PM
Something else to think about on the subject of stereotypes is the way that women are represented in war reporting. Typical soundbites are of women wailing over their lost ones. We rarely get to go beyond these canned images, and that scares me. Governments are dealing with so many different issues that we rarely, for example, hear about questions like rape as a war crime. We also don't get to hear about many of the other stories that push as past the idea of women as helpless victims of war. On the positive side, we don't get to hear about women who are doing such great work to protect their communities in wartime and after. On the other side, we also rarely see stories of how women actually participate in the violence-- such as Elizabeth Dalziel's portraits of women in the Maoist militia in Nepal (, or Gin Marie's story of being a soldier in Iraq (

Do you guys think it would make a difference if women's participation in war was reported differently?
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Rakesh Sharma Jack
Posted on Thursday, November 23, 2006 6:36 AM
Well done folks...I really appreciate your seems that the Internet has come a way ahead to show it true potential. Though I have been associated with the Internet for 5-6 years but these kind of efforts are really worth appreciating. Well, I am a freelance writer, web designer and search engine optimization (SEO) expert based in India. Though I hardly get time in participating in such discussion forums, but would love to help anybody who needs me or my services. I would work for a don't worry about fees or anything. Just tell me how can I help you people.

Love and prayers,
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Bruce Larson*Moore
Estados Unidos
Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:19 AM
opps ! sorry for the blank comment, made a stray mouse click while reading through the page ;)

my life*view of media has been one of continual doubt, that seems to*me the only healthy way of discerning ones truth, as their need and greed for competition and supporting agendas gives a very light and one sided understanding to most of what is actually important to life and living. Keeping this course never gives me despair or concern about the future as i*know that truth is always upon ones horizon.

Mankind has strayed so far from the garden that he seems to only see the pain and suffering associated with his absence.

It may be worth while to remember this, The*Gate is always open and though it may at times seemed locked, you hold the keys, as all the gates were built by you.

* * *
Hymn of the Martyr

If you oppress me, my words will gather strength,

If you imprison me, my words will grow in power,

If you embattle me, my words will turn destruction against you,

If you kill me, my words will haunt your grandchildren's, grandchildren,

* * *
If you embrace me, my words will fade into yours, as yours fade into mine, my lips will speak of you, as yours speak of me,

Together we build tolerance, understanding, compassion, trust and truth,

Divided we foster only fear and kill only trust, divided we know only the death of the other,

Together we understand and know our lives, and embrace the Hymn of Peace for our grandchildren's, grandchildren.

©Bruce Larson*Moore
World*Peace - No*Compromise
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David Sokal
Estados Unidos
Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:38 AM
I spoke to my aunt in the north of Israel a few days ago. I had sent her a brochure about a project I am working on selling Palestinian olive oil that is exported by two Israeli and one Palestinian fair trade group. (See In the brochure I stay away from any overt political statement, trying to steer clear of fears deeply held by either side. But just talking about Palestinians as if they too could want peace was bad enough to upset her, a supporter of Labor and more dovish policies. Missiles flying overhead and crashing on your land and home has a predictably negative impact on human souls.
We need to ask ourselves, "what is the source of our fear?" Then we need to ask, "what is the source of our enemies' fear?"
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Paula Goldman, Director of Imagining Ourselves
Estados Unidos
Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 1:02 PM
We at the museum just received an update email from one of our associates in Iraq who lives in Baghdad and who has been a public servant for several years since the new regime there. Here is her note to us. I found her comment about Darfur to be very pointed:

We have been through the most difficult life , cant be worse , ofcourse women are suffering at all levels , we had no power for continous 35hours now , it may take another 48 hours to repair the lines feeding Baghdad , which has been destroyed by the terrorists , there is NO LIFE , at all , things are deteriorating , not progressing , 3000 Iraqis are leaving Iraq every day , more than 500 000 Iraqis displaced internally because of the sectarian violence , the people who got the money they leave Iraq , but the poor are suffering all the times , there are no services , education you heared whats has happened to the employees in the ministry of higher education , health system has gone down hill , most of the senior consultant physicians has left the country , besides no medicine & no equipments , no clean water , no gas , and the winter is very close , most people who own shops or restaurants had clsed down because they are targets , this add a large no. to the unemployed .

the whole worled speaking about Darfour , believe me we are worse than that , only God knows where Iraq is going , the people are desperate , they reached to the conclusion that only a miracle can happen & save us .
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Lisa Ling
Estados Unidos
Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 12:54 PM
Great comments. For those of you wondering what Ali had to say, he's writing to Daliya ( He's 20 years old, living in Iraq, and telling her about the difficulty of his own life in Iraq as a result of the war. He wants to finish college but needs to a higher paying job in order to do so, which is impossible because of the war. So there you have it, at least a glimmer of a more real exchange between Americans and Iraqis right here on this site, per the comments from Frances and Melania about how you don't get to see what is actually happening in Iraq in mainstream media.

But this is a rarity, isn't it? Oddly enough, in the age of internet and 24 hour a day media, there is more competition than ever to compete for air time and so we get more and more dramatized soundbites instead of careful, thoughtful analysis of world events. They’re all in competition for audience share. And I think that can be very dangerous.

These days when you watch cable news shows you see quite a few newscasters pontificating about things they really don’t know so much about. Most of what they’re spouting comes from what they’ve been reading. How many of the people who are actually up there spouting have actually been into these conflict zones? I really wonder and I think it’s very dangerous.

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naquash v
Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 12:20 AM
how the word peace and women related together..... in all prophet's context
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sesame seed
Posted on Friday, November 17, 2006 12:40 PM
كن شجاعاً يا اخي علي ولاتنسى ... لكل رجال يوم
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heather neumann
Estados Unidos
Posted on Friday, November 17, 2006 11:57 AM
Shailja Patel's "She said no" is amazing. Shailja took a story of murder and gave its victim a voice. In doing so she took an upsetting story that one might read in a newspaper transformed it into a personal and highly emotional poem. I feel that stories like this deserve great analysis but are often read and forgotten. I praise Shailja for giving such a story and emotional context and acknowledging how disgusting this act of murder was and that the victim, Kim Song-hui, was a human being and not just part of a story.
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Artículos destacados
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