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Si cree que el proceso de pacificación está reservado a activistas jóvenes e ingenuos –u hombres con traje que representan a gobiernos poderosos– piénselo otra vez.

Las jóvenes de esta sección son la vanguardia de las soluciones constructivas a la guerra. Son inteligentes, pragmáticas, poderosas y eficientes. Conozcan a Samantha Power, una autora ganadora del Premio Pulitzer que inspira a miles de estadounidenses a pedirle a su gobierno que haga más para prevenir el genocidio en el mundo.

Conozcan a Mariane Pearl, esposa del periodista asesinado Daniel Pearl, que transformó su experiencia de pérdida en un poderoso llamado público a una mayor tolerancia. Conozcan a Loung Ung, una sobreviviente del genocidio camboyano, que participó en una exitosa campaña para prohibir el uso de minas terrestres.

El 10 de diciembre es la fecha en la que se le entrega el Premio Nobel de la Paz a una personalidad líder en lo social. Les dedicamos esta sección a nuestras propias personalidades: jóvenes mujeres que en cada rincón del mundo trabajan para darnos alternativas al conflicto violento.
International Fellowship of Reconciliation
Worldwide, people want and are desperately looking for alternatives to the violence that is engulfing us. The Women's Peacemakers Program at the International Fellowship of Reconciliation unites people around just such an end. We believe that without peace, development is impossible-- and that without women, neither peace nor development can take place. In every corner of the globe, we support and unite courageous women who are creating alternatives to conflict in their communities.

Join us in the conversation about positive solutions to war!
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Cheryl Wilson
Estados Unidos
Posted on Thursday, October 25, 2007 9:11 PM
Hello everyone,
The story that I chose to read was titled "When Their Eyes Cry for You", by Chelan M. Pedrow. In her story she describes how her desire to help the victims of war transcends any negative feelings she previously had about our country's "enemies" verses our "allies". In her attempt to help people function, by creating prosthetic limbs, she shows her support for their human rights to dignity and survival.Furthermore, she supports their need to feel at least some degree of safety and caring among the constant war activity, which is central to their human needs for peace and security.In addition to helping people physically, she also helps them by showing empathy for the suffering which they have had to endure. By doing this she supports and shows understanding for their struggle to have a culture of peace in spite of their current culture that is centered around violence.
In comparison to the other authors I've read about this week I see similar views and methods in their approach to peace and help for the people that are victimized by war. In the "Women for Women International Video",for instance, they showed support through their mission where the idea of redefining a culture of peace meant giving moral support to those that have been victimized by hate crimes and war. In another article titled "No Women, No Peace" the authors describe the ideas of prevention, participation, and protection as a neccessity for all people in a society regardless of their age, race, or gender (NGO Working Group on Women). These concepts encompass the same perspective that Pedrow had in her mission to help others. By actively participating in an NGO mission to help others she also aided them in their goal of protection against those who threatened their safety and lives.


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gina qp
Posted on Thursday, October 25, 2007 12:51 PM
Samantha Power's ideas can be controversial but she is exposing a reality for places like, Darfur, Rwanda or what happened in Bosnia. These countries reality is genocide and a culture of violence that have been carried out with total impunity.
She believes that “ordinary people" are the ones who can pressure politicians and make or force a change. "Policy would be made by policymakers", but these policymakers should get out of their shells and see the real world, in order to make better decisions. But since that does not happen, she explains how young people and women, nowadays have the opportunity to learn about other countries, to travel and open their minds, therefore learning to be less ethnocentric.
Women, have an important role in this transformation, since they are the ones suffering sexual violence and a systemic rape that is leading to an ethnic cleansing. For instance she points out how "women in Darfur are systematically raped in order to create lighter-skinned babies and wipe out the next generation."
Her ideas go together with what most of the people that wants peace believe. She believes, that people should start thinking more as a group of individuals with same feelings, fears… regardless of culture or the place they were born in because, people have to learn to be more open-minded. And also, that "ordinary people" can make changes, working one step at a time, slowly but constantly.
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Sally H
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:28 PM
I chose to read "Excerpt from My War at Home, by Masuda Sultan. This story was a great way to build tolerance in America. I can relate to this story, because I am muslim, but I come from Palestine. I could really see where this girl is comming from with people judging. The truth is you'll always face some kind of judgement in life, especially being an Arab at this time. After September 11th I heard all sorts of comments, like "terrorist," "raghead," "camel-jockey," and the biggest one "go back to your country." It was very tough to hear those sort of comments. Knowing that all these people see me as a Terrorist. It was really sad, but you know what, I'm proud of where I come from no matter what anyone says. Many people are ignorant in America, due to the media. I don't get mad I just try to teach them that not every one of us is a Terrorist, and that even your own people have Terrorist. It's not a good feeling to be categorized under that term. Islam does not put out terrorism in any way, Islam is a religion of peace. Many people are taken in by the media and I believe we need to be more educated on other cultures, by reading more about them. Not just taking it from the news and judging a culture by that. It's already very hard to live in America being a Muslim, but feeling ganged up on is so hard. I don't wear the Hijab or anything, but it's sad to know that girls have this fear of going out because of it. Hijab is not forced on us, many times its misunderstood. It is part of our religion, you can chose to wear it or not. I just hope that this article makes us Muslim women not live in fear. Also I hope it teaches everyone else that we're not all "terrorist."
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Sara Pauly
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:13 PM
I have chosen to read “When their eyes cry for you,” I thought that it sound like a touching story and was it ever. It was like I was there living her life. She made it so life like, and so real. She was taking care of people that she knew under different circumstances would probably hurt her, and when she look into their eyes, all of the “war” went away. They became like a family. She took care of them with no judgments, and that was something that she was scared about not being able to do.
She spent two weeks in a clinic taking care of the people who need prosthetics, and she was able to laugh and cry with the Jordanians and Iraqis. She learned a lot from this trip. She was able to form an amazing bond with her Father. She was also able to see the Iraqis and Jordanians from a different viewpoint. We are all people, we might have different gods. And different laws, but they can suffer through the same things that we do.
I wish that a culture of peace would replace our current Culture of war, which is a wish that I am sure everyone has. But that’s what I think it is…just a dream. It might someday but for now we are to against so many things. All through-out history there has been some kind of war.
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ashley Vance
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 7:33 PM
In "Overcoming hatred and violence" by Immaculée Ilibagiza, she couldn't have spoken out for women in a better way. Women in Ruwanda aren't exactly involved in the acual war very often, but suffer in many other ways. In war women suffer from rape, abduction, sexual violence, other forms of violence, and slavery. They don't only suffer from rape as a tool of war, but sexual slavery. Women shouldn't have to suffer from this and as Immaculee Llibagiza talks about, the only way to end this is by peace. (women war and peace)

This story by Llibagiza really speaks to women around the world who suffer. She tells a lot about how women today are stronger than ever. From the help of women generations before us who have spoken out more and more every decade proving women have a voice. Wome and peace is a huge deal in countres everywhere. Wome are so unseen and not though about as much under the disaster's of war and men above us and women must speak out. When women work for peace they are seen more and given more respect. She talks about women being more sensitive and not wanting to participate in war. She states how important love, prayer and being positive is, and how easy it sounds, but in reality no one really does it. The only way for peace is to get rid of hatred and in today's day and era is when we are able to do it!

The only way for peace is to be peacful and love. There can't be war and hatred at all for there to be peace. The most important element is to pray and believe in everyone. Llibagiza believes that anyone can change and be peacful and for there to be world peace more people nee to start believing.
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Leslie Hall
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 7:00 PM
"When Their Eyes Cry For You" was such a touching story. I saw myself in Chelan when she was describing her preconceived ideas of how it would be over in the Middle East. I feel I have some pre-conceived ideas derived from American media myself. I have always thought I would love to be an aid worker and I found myself thinking, what an amazing place to go, especially with the current state of eventsIt is clear that although she had reservations about the people she would meet in Jordan she soon came to realize, like her, they also had feelings and were simply people, who cry, laugh, joke and hurt, just like anywhere. This realization helped her develop a close relationship with her "Bear" and I think that without this realization, she could not have had such a close bond. It is a story like this that makes me realize I need to do my part and make a difference as well.
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Melissa Kantola
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 6:21 PM
"Excerpt from My War At Home" by Masuda Sultan
This description of the life of a Muslim woman, Masuda, was an eye opener for me. I knew that during the events of September 11, and after, people even in America were looked at accusingly, though they had no affiliation with the attackers, except their religion. However, reading it from a first hand perspective alerted me to the difficulties and struggles that came along with that. To Masuda and her family, peace in America would be difficult enough with the daily struggles of maintaining their identity and preserving their traditions and culture, while appreciating and respecting the lifestyle and freedoms of America. The displacement they felt had to have been extremely difficult mentally and emotionally to handle even before the threat of war was upon them. With the attack, came speculation of Afghans and Muslims all around the country, and forced them to take sides, America or Afghanistan and surrounding countries. This was not a discrimination against women, but against a culture and a religious belief. This woman, however, did overcome her fear of being unaccepted or un-American, and did what she needed to do to help her country. This is just one way that shows how women need to not be left out of the decision making process in getting and maintaining peace. Women have a different life-perspective sometimes. It seems that while men can have the reputation masculinity and gender based violence, women desire and strive for a culture of peace. It is important to not discredit a person based on another's bias toward gender, religion, race, etc. Everyone has something to offer, and everyone should be considered relevant.
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Kelli Perletti
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 3:26 PM
"When Their Eyes Cry For You" really touched and engaged me. I have often thought of doing volunteer work in other countries that are in conflict, but have been apprehensive of doing so because of possibly getting caught up in the violence. Also, I have always assumed that if the war or conflict somehow involves the U.S. (or the country, such as in this situation is not on good terms with the U.S.), that I would be victimized and treated terribly by the citizens of that country.
To me, it appeared that the author felt some of the same fears and hesitations at first, but quickly overcame them. And even further, she met amazing people with incredible stories of overcoming their situations. She also encountered injustices that stem from prejudices and status, which really struck a chord with me.
This story brought to mind the Women for Women International organization, which works with women all over the world. Their goal is for women around the world to help other women gain back their dignity and status after being victimized during conflict. In particular, the author encountering the two different women needing amputations and how differently they were handling their predicament reminded me that, even in situations that seem hopeless, anyone can preserver. It was also empowering to hear how her volunteer work changed her life and perspectives, and her sharing her story did so for me as well.
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Elizabeth Burleson
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:25 PM

"When Their Eyes Cry For You" really struck a chord in me. I just had a friend return from Iraq and the Middle East. She was away for a year, but it's really easy to see how much it's changed her in the year she was there on guard duty. It's true, that spending so much time in a country that is very different from your native country can truly change the way you see things. Not necessarily just your opinions or anything, but how you view life. Also, with the war in Iraq and all the problems in the Middle East, things really are challenging and troublesome. How she talks so casually about the prosthetics, and how they don't always fit properly, and everything, is amazing. It's obvious she's been through a lot and has formed some incredible opinions on everything she's done.

When she described the woman who's been bounded to a wheelchair for multiple years and doesn't seem to mind, it struck something inside of me. Sometimes it takes reading something like this to realize how fortunate I am to live in a place like this. It's certainly a solution to war if one can only keep track of all the peaceful things. It wasn't as much related to rape in war, more related to war and its relation to women in not necessarily the worst of ways. One would certainly have to agree that it certainly could have been worse.
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Erin Estilette
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:11 PM

"Creating Peace" by Mariane Pearl made so much sense to me. The statement she is making about peace is extremely powerful, especially when you consider how Mariane lost her husband. She lost her husband in a hideous act of terrorism, but she does not hold any hate in her heart. She recognizes the need for inner peace. It is not only necessary for the survival and satisfaction of each individual, but it is imperative for a culture of peace to become a reality in every society. Think about it. If everyone were to let go of hate, and resist greed and the need for more power, there would be no tensions created between different groups, and no violence. There would be no need for revenge. War and the crimes and consequences of it would not exist, but peace is more than just the absence of war. Mariane says,"A person who strives to first create peace in his or her own life on an every day basis can awaken the inner strength to conduct dialogue and listen to others -- thus engaging us all in a reliable peace process." I agree with Mariane. Peace involves more than just the absence of violence and war. It is the ability to exchange dialogue and listen, that creates a peaceful and sustainable society.

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gloria garcia
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:06 PM
“Interview with Yaara”
Marla Kolman conducted an interview with Yaara, a young peace activist from Israelis. Yaara lives in a culture of violence and works with the Bereaved Families Forum, which helps people from Palestine and Israelis cope with losing family members because of violence related to conflict. Although, she never mentioned any incidences of sexual violence between Israelis and Palestine, most likely it does occur. According to an investigation conducted by Amnesty International in 1999 and 2000, every armed conflict consisted of torturing women, most often in a sexual form. The fact is, rape is a weapon of war and a gender based crime. The lack of support from core institutions and the common view of women as property and or sex objects only create a risk free environment for perpetrators to continue to victimize women on such a grand and global scale.
Yaara is an extraordinary person, even though she has lost a loved one, she does not harbor any hate in her heart for the perpetrators. It is quite the opposite. She stated that her loss has created a more powerful longing for peace and at the same time created a more powerful statement in support of peace. It is her belief that if people were able to relate to each other as human beings, not as sub-human or inferior, violence would no longer exist because we are all inherently good. I agree with her when she states that people can all identify with loss and come together once they realize the perceived differences between them, were only created to divide.
Yaara is only one woman among many that is actively trying to create a better world, not just for women, but for all humankind. In my opinion, the only way we are going to make this world acknowledge the injustices women face, because they are women, is if we are equally represented in positions of power, like the Senate or United Nations. I respect and admire people like Yaara; she has inspired me to take a more active role in the fight for women’s rights.

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gina qp
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 1:51 PM
I really enjoy watching this "Interview with Yaara" because she reinforces the idea that peace between two communities that have been fighting against each other for a long time is possible. For her there is no difference between Palestinians or Israeli peace because, "everybody knows someone who died". What they have in common is that they know what violence is and how it feels to be part of a war culture. So what they are doing on Bereaved Families Forum, is working together so that no one will feel the pain they have felt for losing a loved one.
Yaara and Forum's understanding of peace is not hating, no revenge, because all them are humans who have the same feelings. At the beginning of the interview, she explains how people can choose between revenge, and make the ones who have hurt you, feel the pain you felt or decide "to be the last one" and stop vengeance.
What she and Forum are doing if building a tolerant community, teaching others, overall children, that they don't have to be afraid or scared of other Palestinian or Israeli children, because they are just kids, like them that want to enjoy life. This way, these children will "build peace, everywhere they go", which I believe is a good way to work toward a culture of peace.
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Christine Gillingham
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 1:22 PM
It seems to me that the message Anwar is trying to convey in “Supporting the peace the process” is to not become complacent; complacency in peace or in times of war. It is important to remember that, even though there is peace in your own country, you can still encourage peace in others by helping to encourage dialog over violence.

Anwar also talks of an “imperfect peace”, or a peace that includes sacrifices from all parties involved. This speaks to me of a peace won on mutual compromise. However, during times of war, parties to the conflict are not likely to settle for this “imperfect peace” and are too focused on being the victor. Without this compromise, war becomes part of the scenery of a nation. After awhile, the original reasons for the conflict become convoluted. Often, this results in heavier use of violent military action. No one can truly win in these situations.

I agree that countries should advocate peace on behalf of their neighbors and bring dialog to the table. Pressure for peace could result in shorter conflicts.
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Aurora Bass
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 11:05 AM
As I was reading through the Peacemaker stories ‘My War At Home’ really stood out to me. I was originally fascinated with her story because it started as a first person account of the events on September 11th and I am always interested in accounts of that date, since it is the closest thing to war on our soil in my lifetime. In the beginning of her story she is describing that day and the struggle and compares it to life in Afghanistan, but then she comes across a table offering aid to victims and her first reaction is worry and fear that she will be discriminated against because of her race, when she was offering to help. I found this reaction a sad truth of what people of almost any race, or that are different in any way, must go through when ever they encounter a situation that others like them have been rejected in, in the past. The woman’s reaction was refreshing she didn’t hesitate or show any signs of seeing Masuda for her race just as a person who wanted to lend a hand, this is how people should always see each other, whether we are in a desperate time or not. I was not so surprised by the reaction though, especially in a time of need people seem to be able to just be people to each other it’s crazy how we need disasters to reach out and to see people as people not for the color of their skin or the style of their clothes.
I noticed that after the attacks on 9/11 there was an immediate rejection of anyone who looked like they cam from the Middle East. I felt like this was just proof that history does repeat itself where one race is ostracized and feared, and it just made me so disappointed in our society because it showed how we really haven’t progressed. I also thought that the point she made of assimilation was important. These people were assimilating and being over patriotic, and trying so hard to prove they were not the enemy as a form of survival, in what is supposed to be a free country, welcoming all ethnic groups and all belief systems. I thought it was important that Masuda stood her ground and found more discrete ways to support the cause, and was confident in her status as an American, she did not need to decorate her car or over prove that she was, she knew she was and that was all she needed.
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Teresa Gano
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:45 AM
“When Their Eyes Cry for You” by Chelan Pedrow struck a chord with me. When you are secure in your country, even during a time of violence and war, sometimes you forget about what life might be like for the people who are living in countries strife with daily conflict and death. That people risk their life for war is a fact, but that a person can take their life and consider the help they can offer to a war torn country, in the name of peace, is a sacrifice.

This story talked about the life of aid work, of getting to know the people of the country, and their lives. Understanding that it is not just our lives that are changing, but the lives of the people of the Middle East are also changing. Imagine what their lives must be like, living with the violence every day, loosing someone every day, knowing that at any time, the violence in your country can take your life, the life of someone in your family, or a close friend.

She talks about the people she has met, and the differences in their lives, and sums it up most poignantly when she writes “…when one travels to the most horrendous of circumstances and is required to live in the scent and respond to the need of a friend or foe, they simply become a fellow human.” That is the point that is missed a lot of the time, living in a country that allows us freedom, and though violence is around, you do not live in fear of military or rebel attack. These people are caught in the crossfire, living their lives daily, and they are simply fellow humans.
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Sarah Bossman
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 9:22 AM
Mariane Pearl’s “Creating Peace” directly reflects the notion this much more than just the absence of war. Peace begins on a personal level; it is up to every individual. Only then, says Pearl, can peace be found on a wider scale.

Jody Williams, a member of the Peacemongers, says, “It isn’t magical and it isn’t mystical—if you want to live in a better world, you have to decide to act to create that world”. This is the exact point that Mariane Pearl is making in her article. It is up to each one of us individually to make peace.

Mariane Pearl defines “culture of peace” as personal responsibility. How can we expect others to live peacefully and for our world to be full of peace if we do not have that in our own, personal lives? I believe a culture of peace could replace our culture of war but it will take a lot of hard work and determination by every individual. I don’t see it happening in my lifetime, however.

I definitely agree with Mariane Pearl. It is so clear and makes so much sense: how can the world be peaceful if we, as individuals, do not reverberate peace throughout our own lives?
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Leslie Conboy
Estados Unidos
Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:08 AM
Wow! What a powerful website this is! While listening to the song by Achinoam Nini, titled "Shalom, Shalom", I was moved by her excitement and hope for love and peace. I truly admire someone with such conviction and creativity to create songs with messages about giving love without expectation and working together to create a world with focusing on building each other up instead of tearing each other down. When listening to this song, I was reminded of the NGO called Women for Women International. There's a video clip on their website where women who benefit from this organization express their gratitude to this organization and each one of the women talked about being accepted with open arms and the focus being about love. This song by Achinoam Nini is the perfect song for this organization and what it stands for.
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Lindsey Rice
Posted on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:11 PM
I was simply blown away with "Overcoming hatred and violence" by Immacule'e Ilibagiza. She speaks with such hope, passion and confidence for a woman who has seen so much pain! Immacule'e Ilibagiza definately makes it clear that peace is more than the absence of war. She explains the key to overcoming hatred and violence is through love. This occurs through hope in the power of prayer, which instills change in people. She says, "But if you pray for them to change, for this evil to leave their hearts, to let them go, I believe this can bring about a change." She uses women as an example of love and says this because they "have this sensitivity that you can see beyond." Her passion behind hope and how she truly sees it justs grasps my heart and makes me want to say, "Yes, yes..! That's it!" She encourages women "to know that there is hope, no matter what", and know "that they are strong". "It is not about being strong physically. It is in their spirit they are very strong." I think this last sentence is so powerful and it encourages me to remember that regardless of what happens or has happened I believe I am strong because I have hope for a better tomorrow.
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Viktoriya Ostapenko
Posted on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:38 PM
The position of Immaculee Ilibagiza is very cloze to mine. I am sure that only love can save the world. First of all, it is love to life, to people, to world in which we are living. It is not that difficult to take care of the garden near your house to save the world from global warming. It doesn't take a lot of time to talk friendly to your lonely senior neighbor. It is so easy to make one person little happier. It doesn't take any effort to live in peace in your heart.

I agree with Immaculee that women are more capable to create peaceful surrounding because of our natural sensitivity, responsibility, our unique mentality and inner force. We can really create peace, doing what we can do and what we were born for.

I am amazed of this delicate young woman who has such a strong spirit. She gives hope to million of women who overcame such a terrible things as war and genocide. She promotes peace and encourages the young generation not to be indifferent and not to be silent. You don't need to be an activist to promote peace. You can prevent attempts of violence in your everyday life by loving others and taking care of them. Isn't it easy?..
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Diane Ciot
Estados Unidos
Posted on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:19 PM
In "Supporting the Peace the Process," Anwar makes it clear that peace is more than the absence of war. She is saying that when there is no war people take peace for granted. This is like saying there is absence of sorrow in grieving. Most people are in turmoil during grieving but they seem to think its better when there is no sorrow. They don't understand that they should refuse to grieve when there is no sorrow just as you must strive for peace when there is no war. Peace is something you have to battle for. It takes resources, energy, and sometimes sheer will to battle, but when the battle for peace is won, there is an undoubted sense of security, victory, and relief. Everyone must fight for peace.
Anwar believes that dialogue, or talking it through, is one of the primary solutions to peace in Malaysia. Talking alone will not resolve past issues of war, hatred, and violence; but perseverance for peace will eventually bring about a solution. The author proposes for a search for a culture of peace. But will we ever be a culture of peace? How would you relate this to your own life? Is it harder to strive for peace in your life or to continue in the unhappiness you choose to be in? What does it really require to achieve peace in your personal life? In your country?
Many times it is easier to continue living in the absence of war that to seek true peace. The absence of war is a false peace because the there still remains misery and fear. Everyone must unite and fight for peace, but first each must want peace in his heart. To understand that, you must first find out what true peace is.
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Artículos destacados
"Shalom, Shalom"
Achinoam Nini, Israel
"Interview with Yaara"
Marla Kolman, Estados Unidos
"Creando paz"
Mariane Pearl, Francia
"Interview with Samantha Power"
Samantha Power, Irlanda
"Venciendo al odio y la violencia"
Immaculée Ilibagiza, Ruanda
"Cuando sus ojos lloran por ti"
Chelan M. Pedrow, Estados Unidos
"Excerpt from My War At Home"
Masuda Sultan, Afganistán
"El paraíso en un río del infierno"
Meenu Gaur, India
"Sobreviviendo a los campos de exterminio de Camboya"
Loung Ung, Camboya
"Apoyando el proceso de paz"
Nurul Izzah Anwar, Malasia
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